A Year in Review 2021
2021, you have been an All or Nothing kind of year!
The first 4 months of the year... well, let's skip that! In a nutshell, lockdown, home schooling, all business on hold, rescheduling event after event, creativity, motivation and joie de vivre dwindling...
The year, in my eyes, officially started on 12th April when I was allowed to reopen my studio! Yay!
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My first ever Burlesque Shoot Week kick started the season. It was so great to be back in the studio and working with performers on promo images for the new acts they had been working on during lockdown.
Belle Privé Photography StudioProcessed with MOLDIV
Events and training for Photography Session Days finally recommenced and has been non stop ever since!
22 sold out events in some fabulous locations such as a spitfire hangar, a Tudor mansion, a haunted house and a stately home. Demand for events has been on another level, with some events taking just minutes to sell out! It is a great position to be in and we are eternally grateful for our incredibly supportive clients.
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On the awards front, I have received 4 Silver Awards from the Guild of Photographers this year (plus 5 Bronze Awards). These are national awards and I'm always honoured to receive such recognition for my work.
You can read more about my awards here.
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Belle Privé Photography Studio
I was also honoured to be a top 10 finalist in the Founder's Cup 2021 with the Guild of Photographers. The winner will be announced at a glitzy awards ceremony in February.
In other news, I have inadvertently become a speaker on the circuit. In particular, my Portraits with Impact talk has been popular and I have bookings going forward through 2022. I have also further pushed my comfort zones by creating Youtube videos with Photography Session Days and Pixapro.
And to sum up, here's my most popular images of the year featuring Rachel Frances, Scarlett Luxe, Emma LaRouge, Emma Rose Bland, Lydia Helen and Dante Layla. Which is your favourite?
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Many thanks to my wonderful clients, brands, models, those who have worked with me, booked me, supported and encouraged me this year.
Here's to a Wonderful 2022
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